Tag Archives: Compositions

Cook Book Mock Up

After a successful project that reimagined a movie poster based on Stanley Kubrick’s iconic horror film, “The Shining.” The project received an enthusiastic response, with one particular comment sparking the next chapter in this creative adventure. The original poster, titled “Shined On,” was a playful yet eerie homage to “The Shining,” featuring a woman depicted […]

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The Dark Knight

Crafting “The Dark Knight”: A Journey from Light to Shadow Creating “The Dark Knight” was a fascinating and intricate process, beginning with an image that was the polar opposite of the final product: an angel. A friend provided this angelic picture, challenging me to transform it into a darker, more menacing figure. The journey from […]

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Street Warrior

The Concept: Cyberpunk Inspiration The inspiration for this piece came from the vibrant and edgy world of cyberpunk, where advanced technology and gritty urban landscapes collide. I envisioned a strong, futuristic woman as the central figure, embodying the essence of this genre with her high-tech weaponry and commanding presence. The goal was to create a […]

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